SPACENITE was a great success here at the store. The art opening on December 6th brought over 300-400 people to see over 130 prints of ROM Spaceknight, illustrated by over 100 artists across the world.
The show was a tribute to comic creator Bill Mantlo, who wrote every issue of ROM, as well just about every other Marvel title in the 80’s. This show was organized as a fundraiser for Mantlo, who was injured in a hit and run accident 15 years ago. Severe brain injuries left him without motor functions, and he will live the rest of his life in a brain damage institute. This show was organized with the blessing of Bill’s brother and caregiver, Mike Mantlo.
We sold over $600 worth of posters that evening, but the turnout for the silent auction did not meet our expectations. With the blessing of everyone who bid that evening, we decided to extend the auction online until the end of the month.
This gives an opportunity to all the ROM fans elsewhere to get a chance to own an original illustration of their favorite character. And best of all, all the proceeds go towards Bill Mantlo’s medical care.
The following original pieces are all available on ebay until the auctions end Friday, Dec. 28th. Click on the artist’s name to link to their corresponding auction where you can place your bid.