We did a lot of planning and advertising so even though I did'nt know exactly what to expect if 1/2 the people we invited came I was convinced it would be a pretty sick party.
It was an amazing few hours over at Shoppe 202, those guys are really the greatest! We sold a TON of books and went thru a bunch of wine and vodka martinis right there on the sidewalk. I think the mayor and chief of police were there. No problems, everyone was just hanging out drinking and having a nice time.

A huge thanx to everyone who came & hung out. I've done a lot of crazy fun things over the years but this will really stand out for a long. long time. I'm glad people were there to witness the spectacle because I don't think I could have adequetly described it or if anyone would believe just how insane it was.
I'm awaiting more pictures to be sent to me so I'll post those as soon as I recieve them.

Hey Dave!
Great Pics! You're in your groove!
Keep it coming!
All The Best!
Gene Colan and adrienne
Whoa!!! What a BLAST!!!1 Sure wish I coulda been there. Glad I bought my book early by mail!
Now you gotta come out west for a sunshine signing.
I could be wrong, but the 2nd to the last photo, the tall grey haired man and his somewhat short "lady" were a couple that came into Blockbuster that night, and I told them to stop by the book signing. Very cool!!
So glad it was a success!!!!
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